Byte Stream Reader Elapsed Time for 23.7 MB is 96 secs import*; import; import java.util.Scanner; class ElaspedTimetoCopyAFileUsingByteStream { private long startTime = 0; private long stopTime = 0; private boolean running = false; public void start() { thi...
assertEquals( product.getId(), session.createNativeQuery( "select id from product") .addSynchronizedEntityClass(Product.class) .getSingleResult()); I'm running aHigh-Performance Spring Persistence Online Workshopon the27th of November. If you enjoyed this article, I bet you are going to love my...
with one assertion in each. Whether or not you use the "parameterized tests" feature, as per David Ehrmann's answer, to do so is over to you - I've never really found much of a use for that feature
sumOfDigit(-123)); assertEquals(-47, SumOfDigitSolution.sumOfDigit(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } } That's all about how to solve this coding problem of calculating the sum of digits in a given number using recursion in Java. Though recursion has several drawbacks like hard to read, write and...
assertEquals( "High-Performance Java Persistence", comment.getPost().getTitle() ); Hibernate generates the following output: SELECTpc.idASid1_1_0_, pc.post_idASpost_id3_1_0_, pc.reviewASreview2_1_0_ FROMpost_comment pc = 1 ...
public class SeleniumPlaygroundTests extends BaseTest { @Test public void testMenus() { this.driverManager.getDriver().get(""); final var mainPage = new MainPage(this.driverManager.getDriver()); assertEquals(mainPage.menuListSize(), 37); } 1 2...
assertEquals(this.productPage.itemsInBasket(), "1 "); } Test Execution Here is the screenshot of the testng.xml file that will be used to run the test. Before running the tests, let’s comment out the statement where we are locating the overlay screen and clicking on it to replicate ...
Assert.assertEquals(0, booksOfUser.size()); } } Note: We added an import statement for JSONpath,import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath; It will help us to traverse through the specific parts of the JSON. Moreover, you can read more in theJSONPath article. ...
> //why do the next 3 lines work?? > > assertEquals("OBRnotes", > terser.get("/.NTE2-3-1")); > > assertEquals("OBX", > terser.get("/.NTE3-3-1")); > > assertEquals("notes", > terser.get("/.NTE4-3-1"));
assertEquals(itemDetails.size(), 0); } @AfterTest public void tearDown() { driver.quit(); } } 5. After running the above program, you can check the result on the Automate Dashboard page. You also get to see the execution video. You can have access to text, network, and other ...