How does plant reproduction happen? Why does asexual reproduction occur in plants? How can an organism be produced with out gamete formation in asexual reproduction? How does the process of asexual reproduction take place by an organism?
How does sexual reproduction happen in plants and animals? What is the difference between bacterial sex and sexual reproduction in plants and animals? Describe the commonalities and differences among the characteristics, systems, processes and behaviors of the livin...
How Life Works: Asexual Reproduction The Simplest Example of Evolution The Speed of Mutations Natural Selection Creating a New Species Holes in the Theory Question 1: How Does Evolution Add Information? Question 2: How Can Evolution Be So Quick? Question 3: Where Did the First Living ...
Because of the lack of variation in asexual reproduction, apomictic seeds reduce genetic diversity from parent to offspring plants. Vegetative reproduction: Vegetative propagation is asexual plant reproduction that occurs in the plant's leaves, roots, and stems. This can happen as a result of plant ...
what does mitosis maintain the amount of chromosomes between the cells (amount of chromosomes are the same between cells) What are the 3 main functions of mitosis/cell division asexual reproduction, growth and development, repair and cell replacement what are the 4 phases and ne extra part of ...
If a bacteria or virus does get into the body, the immune system tries to detect and eliminate it before it can make itself at home and reproduce. If the virus or bacteria is able to reproduce and start causing problems, your immune system is in charge of eliminating it. The immune syst...
So kudos for you but don't fucking don't shit on me because I had fucked up shit happen and I'm putting, I'm putting a Band-Aid on a bullet hole the only way I know how Female, 30s, currently using opioids There were also a number of participants who cited intergenerational trauma...
Because how a potato grows from its tubers what you grow is a genetic clone through asexual reproduction – so I actually think store bought potatoes will usually be as good or better to grow than seed potatoes – assuming there is no spout inhibitors… again, something I have never had ...
Life was self-copying, asexual reproduction. Just a single thing dividing as our cells do when skin-cells need to be replaced. Symbiosis is cells cooperating. Two brianhalves, two giant organs each of billions of cells. Two brainhalves in symbiosis across corpus collosum, the structure between...
The seed of a dandelion is about 1/8 inch long, and if conditions are ideal the seed will begin to germinate (grow) right on top of the soil’s surface. Reproduction Dandelion flowers change and develop into tiny seeds. (Dandelions are asexual, so they do not need pollination to reproduc...