centipedes, spiders, scorpions, desert shrimp and many others), mollusks (snails) and annelids (earthworms). In the desert, as well as across the world, arthropods, measured in terms of abundance and diversity, rank at the top of all the animal phyla. An elegant insect, the monarch butter...
Animal classification is like putting together a huge ‘family tree’ containing every species – even those which are now extinct, such asdinosaurs. The Different Levels of Animal Classification Theanimal kingdomis a big group that containsevery animal(including humans). The scientific name for the...
Humankind's fascination with the animal kingdom began as a matter of survival – differentiating the edible from the toxic, the ferocious from the tractable. Since then, our compulsion to catalogue wildlife has played a key role in growing our understanding of the planet and ourselves, inspiring...
* The current theory of evolution does not predict how this could happen. One line of current research is looking at the effect of very small changes in DNA patterns during embryonic development. Any new animal, be it a mouse or a human, starts life as a single cell. That cell ...
level behaviors, researchers can gain insight into the mechanisms underlying the emergence of collective intelligence. Such understanding could inspire targeted interventions to improve team effectiveness and support the development of a comparative framework of group-level intelligence in animal and human ...
Scale does matter in urbanization landscape studies. At a 500 m buffer radius, community structure combined with road disturbance indices was strongly related to diversity indices in herb and shrub layers. The stand age was negatively correlated with the tree layer richness index. As the scale incr...
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Experts' classification of species' forest dependence degree, and animal movement information from the literature survey was used to analyze the variation in potential animal movement distance in these matrices. Results We analyzed 90 species, the majority of them being non-forest dependent (n...
Pretrained neural network models for biological segmentation can provide good out-of-the-box results for many image types. However, such models do not allow users to adapt the segmentation style to their specific needs and can perform suboptimally for te
Understanding what animals do in time and space is important for a range of ecological questions, however accurate estimates of how animals use space is challenging. Within the use of animal-attached tags, radio telemetry (including the Global Positionin