Certain types of anemia, such as thalassemia (when the body does not make enough hemoglobin) and sickle cell anemia (where red blood cells are shaped like a sickle and stick together), have a genetic cause. Chronic diseases, certain medications or nutrition deficiencies can also cause anemia: ...
How does not having a nucleus affect red blood cells? How much can hemoglobin levels change? How does anemia affect the electron transport chain? What happens after the hemoglobin gives up oxygen? Is hemoglobin inside red blood cells? Why do red blood cells contain iron? Explain. Describe th...
How does sickle cell anemia affect the kidneys? Sickle Cell Anemia: Sickle cell anemia is caused by a mutated gene that causes some of the red blood cells to assume a sickle shape, as opposed to the normal round shape. This can cause cells to become stuck in blood vessels and slow or ...
Anemiadescribes a condition in which you have alow red blood cell countand lowhemoglobinlevels. This is a serious condition asred blood cellsand hemoglobin carry oxygen to all your cells, allowing them toburnenergy. If you’re anemic, you’ll likely feel fatigued and short of breath, lacking ...
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a mutation in the gene that tells your body to make the iron-rich compound that makes blood red and enables red blood cells
Malaria may cause anemia and jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and eyes) because of the loss of red blood cells. If not promptly treated, the infection
Anemia: Anemia, a condition in which your body lacks enough healthy red blood cells, can occur in people with celiac disease due to improper absorption of vitamin B12, iron, or folate. Coagulopathy: Excessive bleeding or impaired clotting can occur due to improper absorption of vitamin K. Osteo...
Some patients report anemia (lack of enough healthy red blood cells) caused by heavy bleeding. Great pain and discomfort during and in between menstruations can also be a symptom of uterine fibroids. Bowel and bladder symptoms might indicate that someone has uterine fibroids. The size and locat...
Lymph is blood plasma -- the liquid that makes up blood minus the red and white cells. Think about it -- each cell does not have its own private blood vessel feeding it, yet it has to get food, water, and oxygen to survive. Blood transfers these materials to the lymph through the ...
Lymph is blood plasma -- the liquid that makes up blood minus the red and white cells. Think about it -- each cell does not have its own private blood vessel feeding it, yet it has to get food, water, and oxygen to survive. Blood transfers these materials to the lymph through the ...