Question: Explain how an aeroplane gets lift. Aeroplane : The aeroplane can be defined as a vehicle that consists of wings, an engine that makes it capable of flying in the sky. The aeroplane is the most popular vehicle and widely used for rapid transportation nowadays. Answer and Explanation...
Bernoulli’s equation certainly does not preclude an airplane from flying upside down provided a sufficient amount of angle of attack. It will just come with a larger amount of drag.” Agreed with Bone here. You can easily engineer an airfoil to exceed below flat pitch into negative pitch. ...
How does an airplane turn in the air? How does it rise to a higher altitude or dive back toward the ground? First, let's consider the angle of attack, the angle that a wing (or airfoil) presents to oncoming air. The greater the angle of attack, the greater the lift. The smaller ...
How does combustion start in a rocket engine? Is there an electric jet engine? Did Henri Coanda invent the jet engine? Where was the Newcomen atmospheric engine invented? How does a rocket engine start? How is a V2 rocket engine ignited?
Can you make a rocket engine using hydrogen peroxide and silver? How do satellites orbit the Earth? How does an oxygen canister on an airplane or a spacecraft work? How can heat generate oxygen? More Great Links The Space Shuttle Reference Manual Space Shuttle Operational Data Book Shuttle Pre...
How does an oxygen canister on an airplane work? How can heat generate oxygen? Why do those long white clouds form behind jets flying high overhead? How much fuel does an international plane use for a trip? How does an EPIRB distress radio work? How do they start jet engines on airplan...
A modern plane with a propeller typically uses a turboprop engine. It's similar to the turboshaft in a helicopter but, instead of powering an overhead rotor, the turbine inside it spins a propeller mounted on the front that pushes the plane forward. Unlike a turboshaft, a turboprop does pro...
What Flores does know is that he may lose radio contact with Harrison at any minute because the plane is flying south and will soon be beyond the airport’s radio transmission limits. Flores is also concerned abou...
So how does a rocket work, anyway? How is it that we get off the surface of the world? Let's just start with an airplane. We're all pretty familiar with how an airplane works. There's an engine inside. We carry fuel inside the fuselage. And the wings hold us up. The oxygen...
Learn about airplane parts and understand how they work together. Explore the airplane wings, tail, airplane fuselage, and other exterior parts of an aircraft. Related to this Question How hot is jet engine bleed air? How does a jet engine compress air?