Other Clauses You May Find in Business Loans While many personal loan documents are quite simple, those for business-related loans can become more complicated. Some additional clauses you might consider: Successors.This clause explains what happens if one of the parties passes away before the agre...
for instance, the bank must first send a delinquent borrower an acceleration letter, which states its intention to accelerate the mortgage if the borrower does not get current on their loan by a certain date.
Corporate reporting is increasingly expected to include enhanced and material ESG disclosures alongside other information to show how an organization is driving value for all stakeholders. There is increased pressure on corporates to improve their ESG reporting – from equity investors, insurers, lenders,...
Repossession can happen in a few different ways. In some cases, the lender may have a provision in the financing agreement that allows them to repossess the asset as soon as you miss a payment. This is known as an “acceleration clause.” In other cases, the lender may need to follow ...
Applying for a car loan can be an overwhelming process, especially if you have no credit history. However, having no credit shouldn’t discourage you from pursuing your dream of owning a car. Many lenders offer car loans specifically designed for individuals with no credit, providing them with...
driven by customers’ changing needs and expectations. As our research illustrates, the digital acceleration is creating opportunities for FIs willing to rethink their strategic approaches to curate personalized, connected customer experiences. They can help their chances for success by rebuilding ...
We can’t prove it one way or the other, but I think most analysts would agree that debt is rising incredibly quickly. It may very well be that this is sustainable, but then it seems to me that this would imply an acceleration of growth in recent years, something we haven’t seen. ...
Reference entity default other than failure to pay: An event where the issuing entity defaults for a reason that is not a failure to pay Failure to pay: The reference entity fails to make payments Obligation acceleration: When contract obligations are moved, such as when the issuer needs to ...
Design the future of finance work: The COVID-19 pandemic’s acceleration of virtual working has led to major change in approaches and attitudes to work, as leaders look to build an agile, people-focused operating model. In the research, more than half (56%) of finance leaders surveyed see...
Corporate reporting is increasingly expected to include enhanced and material ESG disclosures alongside other information to show how an organization is driving value for all stakeholders. There is increased pressure on corporates to improve their ESG reporting – from equity investors, insurers, lenders,...