The greatest danger to them is the accumulation of ammonia in the water from their own waste and decaying plant matter Contents What's the Difference Between Hibernation and Sleep? Knowing When To Hibernate (and When To Wake Up) The Nuts and Bolts of Hibernation Estivation and Daily ...
How does it work? First, the pipe flows through a heat exchanger fixed in the hot surface waters of the ocean, which makes the ammonia boil and vaporize. The heated ammonia vapor expands and blows through a turbine, which extracts some of its energy, driving a generator to produce ...
In 1953, Stanley Miller recreated this idea in a lab, generating amino acids from a mixture of methane, ammonia, water and molecular hydrogen exposed to simulated lightning. Subsequent research challenged Miller's approach, revealing differences in Earth's early atmospheric composition. But was lightn...
tend to produce wastes with high concentrations of heavy metals, including arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and nitrates and nitrites. These wastewaters also often have high BOD and contain impurities such as ammonia, chromium, phenols, sulfides, oil and...
Meanwhile, fossil-fuel beneficiaries are trying another strategy altogether: to reinvent the entrepot. The Gulf wants to be where the world does business, welcoming trade from all corners of the globe and providing shelter from geopolitical tensions, particularly between America and China. By 2050 th...
This is where control towers come in. Sustainability metrics can be integrated into the control tower dashboards, which display carbon emissions per unit of freight, energy consumption, and fuel efficiency. Control towers can, thus, monitor and report on carbon emissions data. Doing so allows bus...
How do you manufacture ammonia? What is the definition of a eutectic mixture? The product is essentially pure SnI_4, with no SnI_2 being formed. Explain why this happens. What else could the Volhard method be used in Chemistry for?
The shuttle orbiter provides an environment where you can live and work in space. Space shuttle Endeavour (STS113) in orbit as seen from the International Space Station. Photo courtesy NASA It must be able to do the following: provide life support - everything the Earth does for us (atmos...
How does a battery really work? Where does the power in a battery actually come from? Let's take a closer look! Here's my battery hooked up to a flashlight bulb to make a simple circuit. I've unwrapped a paperclip to make a piece of connecting wire and I'm holding that between th...
The mass comes from the weight of the fuel that the rocket engine burns. The burning process accelerates the mass of fuel so that it comes out of the rocket nozzle at high speed. The fact that the fuel turns from a solid or liquid into a gas when it burns does not change its mass....