How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take in Texas? The quickest way to get a divorce in Texas is if you and your spouse can agree to all of the different terms of the case. These terms include asset division, child custody, child support, alimony, and more. If you and your spouse ca...
An out-of-work employee is not permitted to sit back and take it easy while collecting unemployment benefits in Texas. The state does not allow an individual to collect state unemployment benefits unless they are actively seeking new employment. They must be both available to work and actively ...
How to file for divorce in FloridaThere’s a 30-day simplified divorce process for couples who agree on terms, do not have dependent children, and have no alimony involved. Otherwise, contact the local court clerk’s office for information on the state’s four types of divorce....
Texas Texas Washington Washington** Wyoming Wyoming Source: Tax Foundation *– doesn’t tax regular income, but does tax the money you make from investments’ interest and dividends (3%) ** – doesn’t tax regular income. 7% long-term capital gains tax on profits of $250,000 or more. ...
Love & Relationships How Moving in With My Boyfriend Affected My Waistline Wild Animals Why do geese mate for life? Economics Who Qualifies for Alimony These Days? Advertisement How Marriage Works By: Jacob Silverman Marriage is about beginning a new life with a loved one, but it's also ...
Know who covers you. If approaching your employer isn't an option or does not yield positive results, then move forward with the complaint process. Visit OSHA's Web site (see Resources below) to find out whether your workplace is covered by a state or federal OSHA program. ...
When a court orders a wage garnishment, an employer withholds money from an employee’s paycheck in order to pay off a debt. This money could be withheld to pay for child support or alimony. Title III of the Consumer Credit Protection Act states that up to 50 percent of a person’s dis...
spousal support, but there’s usually no reason to do so. Alimony terms in a prenup can be amended to provide a different arrangement at any time after marriage to reflect changed life circumstances. Both parties may not have to pay alimony if they quit their jobs or reduce their work ...
How Do Corporate Taxes Work? We are aware that businesses are taxed differently from individuals. When a person earns income, they are taxed on a percentage of their entire income; this does not work the same for businesses. Businesses are taxed on profit–not income; therefore, anything class...
Spousal Support or Alimony At No Cost!What is a Child Custody Agreement? Child custody laws can be complex, and state laws on the subject will vary by jurisdiction. Determining custody rights over a child or children must be done with great care, as such decisions have profound and lasting ...