How Alcohol Effects TeenagersAlcohol Abuse Among Teenagers
At 38 years old I ended up in rehab for my alcoholism despite trying to control it for many years. I have been in recovery for 2 years and I am trying slowly to understand and work through what happened to me. My mother does not want me to come out publically about my abuse for f...
Alcohol and drugs affect someone’s ability to give consent; if they or someone else is really drunk or high, they can’t give consent. Being sexual with anyone who can’t give informed consent is sexual assault. Be careful with your language here and make it c...
Getting too little of a micronutrient will have a larger impact than megadosing with another nutrient. Eliminating sugar, alcohol and heavily processed foods will really help your immune system. Vitamin C has been shown to help with COVID-19. Because we can tolerate a lot of it, there’s ...
How Can PMS Impact Your Mental Health?Medically reviewed by Elizabeth Erban, LMFT, IMH-E Helpful mental health resources delivered to your inbox EmailEmail Sign up Learn to cope with the challenges of adolescence Connect with a therapist
Is there anything I can do now to go back and change it? Not a damn thing. Does it serve anyone for me to live in remorse and regret? Nope. Not now, not ever. Never. Nobody had a perfect childhood – at least nobody in my generational gene pool. We all did the best we could...
However, I’m aware that not everyone compulsively studied alcohol safety before taking their first drink. Here are some tips that have helped keep me from becoming any bar’s “that girl”. What is not sucking? In the world of drinking with other people, not sucking is defined as leaving...
A test of expectancy-value theory in predicting alcohol consumption Addiction Research & Theory, 26 (2) (2018), pp. 133-142, 10.1080/16066359.2017.1334201 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Park, 2019 C.S. Park Examination of smartphone dependence: Functionally and existentially dependent behavior on the...
Preventing alcohol and drug addiction relapse Drug addiction is common, especially among the youth. Many individuals are struggling with addiction and have tried many methods. However, they seem not to get out of their habit. Medical benefits of smoking marijuana are applied here by reducing the ...
Lastly, peer pressure could also lead to unhealthy behaviors that negatively affect sleep, such as drinking alcohol or using drugs. Along with these behaviors being damaging to developing teenagers, they also disturb the sleep cycle[1]. There are many areas of teenage life and puberty that can ...