Drug abuse has become a global health crisis, with the World Health Organization estimating that1 in 20 people suffer from substance use disorder. With this widespread issue comes an important question: do drugs affect your mental health? The answer is yes – and it’s not just about physical...
Your Health The type of substance that you abuse can do significant damage to your body, as you might've read above. It can affect your mind, body, and even your spirit. Over time, your physical health can and will deteriorate because of the addiction. Basically, every part of you can...
Mental Health and Spiritual Health depressionand substance abuse can be a sign of a spiritual void in your life. Understanding the difference between a spiritual crisis and a mental illness is important to get to the root of the problem.
Women & HealthRoberts LG, Williams GM, Lawerence JM, Raphael B. How does domestic violence affect women's mental health? Women Health 1999;28(1):117-129.How Does Domestic Violence Affect Women's Mental Health - Roberts - 1998 () Citation Context ...ude lower physical health (Brokaw et ...
This article explores how dietary patterns and specific nutrients affect mental health conditions, treatment, and overall brain health.
Why Do Substance Use Disorders Affect Some People and Not Others? 6 Types of Substance Use Disorders Behavioral Addictions Substance Use Disorder Treatment Genes That Addict What Is Addiction? The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines addiction as "a chronic disease characterized by ...
Controlling, in general, is a form of emotional abuse, and the best way to control someone is by monitoring their finances. In this way, your survival depends on this other person. Your abuser does not let you handle the bills or any kind of payments. As such there is no or ...
Drinking alcohol excessively can also get in the way of other activities, your relationships, and your self-esteem, which can further affect your mental health. Alcohol can make you more likely to be depressed, and being depressed can make you more likely to drink alcohol. People who have...
How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health? Sleep affects mental health in a number of ways. The body, and particularly the brain, needs sleep to function properly. Vital cognitive processes, like memory consolidation and neural communication, mostly occur during sleep. Without proper sleep, our brains ...
HowdoesDrugAbuseAffecttheNervousSystem Drugabuseaffectsthenervoussysteminanegativeway.Scientistssaythatexcessiveuseofdrugs changethechemistryandphysiologyofthebrain.Thisarticlewilleducateyouabouttheeffectsof drugabuseonthenervoussystem. Didyouknow...thatrewardingexperienceslikeeatingandsextriggerthereleaseofthebrain chemi...