Method 4 – Computing a Sum If a Cell Contains TextSituatedin Another Cell in Excel Steps: Copy the following formula inCell F7: =SUMIF(B5:B13,E7,C5:C13) PressEnter. How Does the Formula Work: Here, thefirstargument of theSUMIFformula isrange. Here the range isB5:B13where the conditio...
How Does the Formula Work?The formula takes the criteria of two numbers, 500 and 700. To indicate greater or less, it used the signs “>” and “<” respectively before the numbers. For the sum, the range is C5:C10, which contains the price of the products. Here, the sum and ...
In my experience, this is the most common reason why the SUM function does not work properly. Make sure to check the cell format and the formula carefully to avoid this issue. If the cells are formatted as text, you can convert them to numbers by selecting the cells and pressing Ctrl+Sh...
Close the formula by typing ")" and press Enter. The sum of the values that meet your criteria will be displayed in the cell. In this instance, the SumIf function shows us that 16 pairs of boots have been sold in total. You can also use the SumIf function to sum up values based ...
1. Enter the following formula into a blank cell where you want to put the result: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MOD(A1:C10,1)=0),A1:C10) (A1:A10 is the data range that you want to sum the whole numbers, you can change it to your need ), see screenshot:2...
If our resulting column is to the left of the lookup value column, then VLOOKUP does not work. Download Template This article must be helpful to understand the SUMIF with VLOOKUP, with its formula and examples. You can download the template here to use it instantly. SUMIF with VLOOKUP...
A SUMIF formula with the "equal to" criteria works for both numbers and text. In such criteria, the equals sign is not actually required. For instance, to find a total of the items that ship in 3 days, either of the below formulas will do: ...
Type =SUM(, and then select the range of cells you want to total. For instance, based on our example, the following formula would be displayed in the formula bar: =SUM(B2:B6 Copy Tip: If you're working with a very long column, you can manually enter the range in the SUM function...
The following formula does not use the VLOOKUP function, it is possible to build such formula but it will be complicated and much larger than needed. Array formula in cell D17: =INDEX($D$3:$D$12, MATCH(1, COUNTIF(D14:D15, B3:B12), 0))Copy to Clipboard To enter an array formula...
understand the various components of the function and how you can best use it. TheSUMIF function has a lot of uses in the data world, but that does not mean the SUMIFS function is far away. You can pass multiple conditions within the SUMIFS formula and take the SUMIF function up a ...