When you get an electric shock, it interrupts the normal operation of the system, sort of like a power surge. A shock at the lightning level can cause your body to stop. The electrical process doesn't work anymore — it's fried. But that’s a story for another time. Human Body Makes...
So how do surge protectors work and when you need them? And how do you know if the one you have is good quality? The main job of a surge protector system is to protect electronic devices from "surges." So if you're wondering what a surge protector does, the first question is, "...
Under the 0.5 m sea-level rise scenario, the annual average maintenance window does not drop below a day while for the 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m scenarios this level is exceeded in 2071, 2053 and 2047 respectively. The annual average maintenance window length drops below 14 days in 2063, 2041,...
The tsunami was generated by a submarine landslide in the Norwegian Sea known as the Storegga slide. Recent research suggests slope failures like this have occurred more frequently than previously thought. Scientists have debated whether or not the deposits were from a storm surge. However, the sed...
The main job of a surge protector system is to protect electronic devices from "surges." So if you're wondering what a surge protector does, the first question is, "What are surges?" And then, "Why do electronics need to be protected from them?" ...
Storm Surge: The Deadliest Threat Roughly half of all U.S. deaths from tropical cyclones are due to the storm surge, the rise in water levels from the tropical cyclone's winds piling water toward the coast just before and during landfall. Storm surge is not simply a function of the maximu...
The main job of a surge protector system is to protect electronic devices from "surges." So if you're wondering what a surge protector does, the first question is, "What are surges?" And then, "Why do electronics need to be protected from them?" ...
In this scenario, the disorder increases flood depth by ≈ 1/2 in a square urban pattern, while it decreases the flood depth by ≈ 1/4 in hexagonal form. The inherent drawback of Eq. (5) as a mean-flow theory is that it does not provide a universal relation between ...
How and why does a sand dune crest? As the wind moves sand up to the top of the sandpile, the pile becomes so steep it begins to collapse under its own weight, and the sand avalanches down the slip face. The pile stops collapsing when the slip face reaches the right angle of steepne...
While often associated with meme stocks and retail investor zeal, bear squeezes can occur in any market where short selling is prevalent.1 Below, we’ll explore how a bear squeeze works, examine its causes and historical examples, and tell you what to look out for lest you’re baited unwit...