4. Simplify the concept & explain the ideas to a child: Now try to simplify the material as much as possible. Use analogies, examples, and metaphors to explain the ideas in a way that anyone, including a child, could understand. Why does The Feynman Technique help you study? The Feynman...
Use simulations on the big screen in class to carry out an experiment that everyone sees without needing to get all the equipment out. A top tip is to download the sim first so you don't have to worry about your internet connection. What Is Quizlet And How Can I Teach With It? ...
4. Simplify the concept & explain the ideas to a child: Now try to simplify the material as much as possible. Use analogies, examples, and metaphors to explain the ideas in a way that anyone, including a child, could understand. Why does The Feynman Technique help you study? The Feynman...