1). Although the analysis of intact glycopeptides would be desirable, our previous experience showed that ETD frequently does not yield sufficient information because of the low charge-density of these molecules (15). We showed that this situation could be somewhat improved by partial deglycosylation...
[10]. This chromatography instrument was composed of a binary pump (G7120A), a multisampler (G7167B), an in-line degasser and a variable wavelength detector (VWD G7114B) adjusted to 214 nm. The mobile phase composition followed a gradient elution consisting of solvent A (LC-MS grade ...
An Agilent 1260 Infinity Series HPLC apparat (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) with quaternary pump with an in-line vacuum degasser, thermostatted column, and refrigerated autosampler with autoinjector sample loop was used. For sugar analysis, a ZORBAX Carbohydrate Analysis Column...