Your car insurance may become more expensive when you stop working. However, this all depends on the type of job you did. The price may go down if you no longer commute to work, for example, or if there is now a lower risk of you making a claim. ...
How does a CLUE report affect your insurance rates? Insurers use CLUE reports to determine how likely it is that a claim will be filed in the future. A CLUE Property report will include prior losses from previous owners of a home while CLUE Auto will do the same for a used vehicle. Acc...
The most common question after getting into an accident is, “will this affect my rates?” The easy answer is yes, accidents affect your car insurance rates. There are some situations in which one accident won’t affect your rates, but generally, just one claim will cause your rates to go...
You need to make sure the insurance company is going to be reliable if you actually get into an accident and need to file a claim. There's nothing more frustrating than having to deal with an insurance company that refuses to pay for your damages. It's much better to spend some time r...
No, in Georgia you don't have to keep car insurance for a vehicle that you are no longer driving, but you will more than likely be required to cancel the vehicle's registration. Canceling your registration should not affect your ability to sell the vehicle, but just to be sure I would...
How does your relationship status affect auto insurance rates? Your personal relationship status does have an impact on what you pay for car insurance. Because married drivers are seen as more financially stable and safer drivers, they typically pay less for car insurance. On average, a married ...
How Residual Injuries Affect a Car Accident Claim These types of injuries can affect a car accident claim in several ways. Increased damages:Residual injuries can increase the overall damages in a car accident claim, as they may require ongoing medical treatment or may result in long-term disabil...
Car insurance rates can be determined by a variety of factors. Read on to learn more about some of the criteria that could impact your rate.
due to a lower likelihood of engaging in risky driving behaviors that could result in claims. However, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania ban the use of gender as a rating factor. In these states, your gender should not affect your car insurance premium...
3.Claim all Your Discounts If your car has extra anti-theft or safety features such as anti-lock brakes, most insurance companies will give you a discount on your premiums. You may also be eligible for a discount if you have taken adefensive driving classor, if you are a student, you ...