a. How do cells recognize signals? b. What types of cellular signal-receiver exist? How does a cell produce proteins? How is cell division regulated? How is the cell cycle controlled? Explain cell biology in detail. a. Describe how cellular communication is disrupted in localized cancers. b...
How is information to make proteins passed on through generations? DNA is the blueprint not only for the organism but for all the parts of the cell. How does DNA dictate the functions of a particular cell (by the production of proteins)...
They produce ATP How do cells make ATP from glucose without oxygen? How does anaerobic respiration generate ATP? a. What would a cell do to generate ATP in the absence of oxygen? Be specific. b. How are they similar to aerobic cellular respiration? c. How a...
Protein destruction-proteolysis- plays a pivotal role in controlling the activity of these proteins. Proteolysis is particularly suited to control- ling the events of cell duplication because it is a swift, direct, and irreversible way to limit the activity of a protein. When a protein is ...
the cell. Specifically, a set of chemical reactions on glucose createsATP(adenosine triphosphate), and a phosphate bond in ATP powers most of the machinery in any human cell. If you drink a solution of water and glucose, the glucose passes directly from your digestive system into the ...
proteins, likemonoclonal antibodiesand cell signaling proteins. Unlike most chemically-derived small-molecule drugs, biological products are generally derived from a living organism, such as humans, animals, microorganisms or yeast. Clinically, they are used to treat patients with cancer, kidney diseases...
A method of producing G-protein coupled receptor variants with increased stability relative to the parent GPCR and (GPCR), the method includes making one or more mutations in the amino acid sequence defining the parent GPCR, mutations in (i) one or more located in a window of five residues ...
TLRs regulate stem cell proliferation during injury by directing the recruitment of COX2-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells and macrophages, which produce trophic factors including PGE2 that stimulate stem cell proliferation. Paneth cells are specialized epithelial cells located at the base of the small...
biocompatible materials such as natural polymers which include polysaccharides and proteins. For example, triptolide, which was mentioned previously to have anti-tumor activity, has a side effect of being irritating to the gastric systems. Such gastric irritation can be reduced by changing the nanoparti...
DNA is the blueprint not only for the organism but for all the parts of the cell. How does DNA dictate the functions of a particular cell (by the production of proteins)? How does a cell produce proteins? How might the transduction process increase the genet...