By the way, this math works just as well in our own solar system as it does on planet Xiddler. For example, if you’ve ever wondered why Venus is called a “morning star” or “evening star,” it’s because Venus’s orbit lies within the Earth’s orbit, so it always appears rela...
In other words, blue white screening enables researchers to quickly assess a large number colonies using the naked eye. Bacterial colonies that appear white on agar plates can be further analyzed using colony PCR and/or sequencing to confirm that the inserted plasmid was correctly copied and assemb...
On its own, a single spot does not confirm that your fish is suffering from Ich. You see, many other diseases such as fungus and columnaris can start out as a white-colored spot.However, if more and more white spots appear, it’s almost certainly Ich....
Learn the history behind the Argentine ant supercolony. Does DIY Ant Control Work? While DIY ant control methods may offer temporary relief, they’re generally ineffective at completely eliminating an ant infestation. Connect with Us Our customer care team is available for you 24 hours a day. ...
This can be done by adding a small amount of ammonia or using a bacterial starter product. Monitor water quality parameters regularly, ensuring ammonia and nitrite levels spike and then drop as nitrates begin to appear. Step 6: Add Fish and Plants Once the system is cycled and stable, add ...
How Does Candida Cause Problems? Candida can causeyeast infectionsin the vagina. It also causes a condition calledthrushin the mouth. An overgrowth of Candida is calledcandidiasis. Although candidiasis can cause some uncomfortable symptoms, it's rarely serious. ...
Milk does a body good, but for some, it can wreak gastrointestinal havoc. Dairy products cause gas and bloating in people withlactose intolerance, Sauceda says. That's because these people can't properly digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy foods. ...
During which phase does growth occur at the fastest rate? Name two factors that limit microbial growth. Measurement of Bacterial Growth Estimating the number of bacterial cells in a sample, known as a bacterial count, is a common task performed by microbiologists. The number of bacteria in a ...
IDENTIFY Types of Ants What do ants look like? Adult ants species come in a variety of shapes and sizes but each will be one of three different colony castes; queens, workers or males. Queens are fertile females that lay all the eggs in a colony. Workers are wingless females that gather...
In simple terms, it does the opposite, or “undoes” the exponential. For example, if x = 2, the exponential function 2x would result in 22 = 4. The nth root (in this case, the cube root, √) takes the output (4), and gives the original input: √(4) = 2. The nth root fun...