As Juro’s General Counsel, Michael Haynes, puts it: “Every sentence you write increases the prospect of contract negotiation - if you have 10 sentences where you could have one, the opportunities for negotiation are 10x greater.” If you’re including clauses “just because”, think again....
“curation” is the key term here. Essentially, you’re carefully choosing what content to offer your readers and contextualizing each piece with lead-in commentary or captions so readers know why you chose it.
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Make sure you write down who you speak with and what they tell you. To make sure they are on the up and up, ask to see proof. Often you’ll talk to one bank clerk who wants to sell you something and they’ll invent whatever they have to in order to get you to sign on. But ...
Notes on How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper, 2nd ed. by Bjrn Gustavii
speak and write different? 4 Answers 3 Best answer Kathi 1290 Most of the time, "game" is a noun. "Play" is both a verb and a noun. GAME: As a noun, it is anything widely considered fun, you could play a game of cards, a game of chess, a football game. You can also ...
Creativity:An editor must possess proficiency in creative writing. He or she must to able to write crisp headlines and storylines giving them a sense of humour and sarcasm. You may get great examples of creativity in headlines in the copy of ‘The Hindu.’ ...
A QA intern may often be required to write comprehensive documentation. Career Path Progression for QA Lead We have provided here the career progression details of the QA Lead. It needs to stay consistent in the industry to grow in the career and progress to senior-level roles. Quality ...
llbtorically lhe nntreconstruction in1nckrEuropean ~1udies, wilh ptecisely lhe clcelared Jim orcapturing the common prototype underlyin& the feminine participles Greek ..oUO«and lndic -a""· had btc:n made by August Schleicher only tl~ yc4r before Kvhn's arucle., in the preface to...
1.Writinganartile3“Doyouhaveaold?”Pleasewritesomeadvietoa personwhohasaold.Whatshouldheorshedo?Whatshouldntheorshedo? 例文:Doyouhaveaold?Ifyouhaveaold,youshouldseethedotorfirst. Youshoulddrinkmorewater.Youshouldalsoeatmorefruilandvegetable.You shouldsleepearlyanddoexeriseeveryday. 2.DoinggroupworkWe...