Bible Pronunciation: A PhD provides audio bible snippets for how to pronounce, and how do you pronounce, and how do I pronouce biblical names. biblical words correctly.
Each “chapter” of the Bible starts with a big number. Each “verse” in the Bible starts with a small number. So a “chapter” is typically only a page or so, while a “verse” is typically only a sentence or two. You write them like this: John 3:16 = the book of John, cha...
Writing the Life Poetic Explains everything you need to know to write poetry Short Essays: Personal Narrative Brevity Website that includes personal narrative or memoir essay Word of the Day Roget's Thesaurus Wordnik A website that defines millions of words. Writing Resources Merriam-Websters Onl...
His Son, and His Spirit to all be contained in this one Book. You also grow in the knowledge of God through your own personal adventures that you have with Him in your own daily walk, along with learning from other Christians, especially those who are anointed and gifted to be able...
I’ve been wanting to write about some things I’ve discovered about my faith over the last year. Friends, I can’t seem to get the words out when I find the time to sit down and type them out. I’m not sure why… But I got a bit of it out in this post for 5 Minutes for...
This one little verse should be memorized by all Christians. In one powerful sentence, God is telling us that things get accomplished not by our power or by our might, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. “But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you ...
sentences. Word won’t tell me how many sentences there were in my recent copyedit, but if I take the word count, 347,179 (which doesn’t include endnotes), and divide by 15 (an arbitrary number based on a quick Google search on “average number of words in a sentence”), I get...
The sentence I repeat, Hoping and longing to extract some sweet To mingle with the bitter; from Thy hand I take the cup I cannot understand, And in my weakness give myself to Thee. Although it seems so very, very far To that dear home where my beloved are, I know, I know, It ...
How can a woman’s long hair be “on her head”? A woman is to have a covering on her head and long hair… A woman is to have a covering on her head, such as a scarf or hat. You may not know it but you are a Spirit-Beings in a female body meant to learn fromother spirit...
The reason you have to come into this full surrender with the Lord is due to the following verse: “Therefore submit God. Resist the devil and he will flee.” (James 4:7) Notice the very first sentence –“Therefore submit to God.”Submitting to God means that you have to be in this...