举例来说: How do you cope with pressure? 这个问题,在申本科essay里最常见。如果你仔细研究过common essays,或者不同大学的master program的essays,你会发现,大部分题目要么直接与此相关,要么间接相关。--- 初级answer: (大部分人会这样写,或者类似的答案) “我通过琴棋书画、课余活动reduce pressure,这样我更...
because we want to see you succeed and land your dream job, here are some things you need to avoid like the plague when it’s time to answer “How do you work under pressure?”.
And it’s best not to confess to those when asked “How well do you work under pressure?” We’re all human and everyone loses patience and gets angry sometimes. When preparing to talk about stress and pressure at work, don’t try to create a perfect answer that will make you look ...
To answer this question successfully, you'll want to provide specific examples of how you've handled stress well in the past. You might also provide examples of times when pressure made you work more productively. Warning Be careful how you respond. If you say you get stressed when you're ...
A:Are you a multi-tasked individual? Do you work well under stress or pressure? B:Yes, I think so. The trait is needed in my current (or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. A:What is your strongest trait(s)?
How NOT to Answer “How Do You Handle Stress?” “Stress? Never experienced it.” As we said, an interviewer wants to hire someone they know will be reliable when things get tough but playing the emotionless robot card isn’t going to win you any points. Besides, everyone experiences st...
• Don’t choose a situation in which the pressure got the better of you. • Don’t claim that you’re immune to stress. If you’re a human applicant, that’s not a believable answer, and it tends to indicate that you may not be paying much attention to what happens around you...
34. What would you do if one of our competitors offered you a position? 35. What are your biggest accomplishments? 36. What did you like/dislike about your last job? 37. Can you work under pressure?" 38. What environments allow you to be especially effective? 39. What do you find ...
"While I can’t say I enjoy stress, I do have to admit that handling stressful situations has really taught me a lot about prioritization and most importantly about communication. In my most recent job, I had to answer two supervisors who occ...
You may work well under pressure, you may thrive under pressure, and you may actually prefer working under pressure. If you say you crumble like aged blue cheese, this is not going to help you get your foot in the door. 10. What motivates you to do a good job? The answer to this ...