In order to estimate the contribution of AI to HIV and STI incidence among FSW and transmission to their sexual partners, it is first necessary to accurately described AI practice in this group. To estimate this contribution, we need data on the proportion of FSW who practise AI and at what...
Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society? Give...
Sometimes, PAS can backfire and turn into a farce if the depicted problem is blown way out of proportion. So, you have to be careful in the way you apply PAS to your marketing efforts. OATH The OATH model deals with different stages of awareness in the customer journey, or: Oblivious—C...
You may be well prepared for the examination; however, remember you can give your best attempt only when you are in a calm state of mind.If you overwork yourself and do not get enough sleep, even after knowing most of the answers, you may not be in a fresh mind to think. This can...
In the post COVID-19 period, the proportion of public transport commuting trips decreased, whereas that of car commuting trips increased. As a sustainable travel mode, customized bus services have been promoted to ensure the public health security during commuting in this period in many cities in...
of highest to lowest performers, are increasinglyout of favour. But in theory at least, they do provide amerit-basedmeasure for decisions on where to make cuts. According to The Information, a news site, Google is going to increase the proportion of employees it identifies as low performers....
I can figure out the size of this group by using the ratio they've given me. The size of the representative group will be the sum of its parts: 7 + 5 = 12 So the representative group has 12 students in it, of which 7 passed and 5 failed. In particular, the fraction of the ...
Accept change as a natural part of life, and understand you can’t change some things. Face challenges head-on instead of ignoring them or wishing they’d go away. Keep things in perspective by not blowing a situation out of proportion. ...
How Does the Federal Funds Rate Work? The federal funds rate is the interest rate that banks charge each other to borrow or lend excess reserves overnight. The law requires that banks must have a minimum reserve level in proportion to their deposits. This reserve requirement is held at a Fe...
The unemployment rate is the proportion of unemployed persons in the labor force. Unemployment adversely affects the disposable income of families, erodes purchasing power, diminishes employee morale, and reduces an economy's output. The Current Population Survey (CPS) evaluates the extent of unemployme...