However, taking the extra step of registering both can give you important protection. Registering the trademark protects you from losing your rights to it if some other company uses the same or a highly similar name. By registering your trademark name, you’re declaring exclusive rights to it f...
You can search for word mark, word or design mark, or use advanced search for free form combinations. If the trademark is not registered, then you can go ahead and apply for it by visitingTrademark Electronic Application Systemor TEAS, which is available on the United States Patent and Trade...
Keeping your trademark safe from infringement requires a consistent offense and a sturdy defense. Experts explain how to master both.
How to Trademark Your Clothing Brand Trademarks can be especially tricky to register when it comes to clothing. Trademark protection applies to the names and logos used to sell your clothing articles. But how do you show a trademark on clothing? Be careful here. Graphic designs on the front ...
Getting a trademarkcan be tricky and time-consuming; therefore, before embarking on this registration process, ask yourself, "Do I need a trademark?" One important factor to understand here is common law ownership. Common law ownership for a business name means that you get basic protection and...
First of all, trademarks do not exist in a vacuum. They only provide protection in connection with specific products and services that the trademark owner offers to the public. For example, Apple Inc. does not have a monopoly over the use of the word “Apple”. Their trademark gives them ...
The Trademark Application Process can be a tricky one to navigate and it’s important that you do it right, not only to gain proper trademark protection but any incorrect information can lead to delays of an already lengthy process. Registering a trademark with USPTO involves a lot of decision...
How do I trademark a name and logo? Research your mark to make sure it is not already in use. Apply for the trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). Draft your application and submit it to the USPTO.
Commonwords or phrases are therefore well within the scope of trademark protection, so long as the words or phrases in question are not generic for the types of products or services being provided. After all, how else would TIME (the magazine), SHELL (the energy giant), and CATERPILLAR (th...
How long does a trademark last? Trademarks persist for as long as the trademark holder continues to use the mark, name, design element, or slogan, and continues to maintain their registration for it. If a mark falls out of use, it may be designated as “dead,” and become available for...