When it comes to ways on how to treat dog diarrhea and vomiting, providing fresh drinking water is very important. According to a study about reasons why we should fast our dogs[2], ensuring that they have plenty of water is very important. During the period of fasting, you need to prov...
In some areas, or if you have a predisposed breed, your vet may suggest an additional booster around 20 weeks. Yet, the puppy is not safe until they have completed the whole vaccination series. Safe though isn't the best term to use in vaccinated dogs who have completed the series. Vete...
While it’s always important to feed your dogs well, it’s especially important to know how much to feed a puppy, so they can get the best start in life with the proper nutrition. Your puppy’s growing bones, muscles, brain cells and tissues require specific nutrients: Too few or too ...
Dogs learn from other dogs … so if your dog sees another dog enjoying a yummy poop snack, he might think it’s a high-value treat and decide to try it. What Are The Risks For Poop Eating? For dogs, there areminimal health risks to eating their own poop. But if your dog is a k...