)”以及后文“In fact, the longer you think about something, the less time and energy you have to take productive action. Here are some tips to help stop overthinking. (事实上,你思考的时间越长,你采取有效行动的时间和精力就越少。这里有一些建议可以帮助你停止过度思考。)”可知,本句与上文构成...
I have to look in the mirror and question myself as a beginner referee, I still feel insecure, especially me. I never played soccer. It is about me because it has something to do with my insecurities. I doubt about myself. Or a part of ...
Be kind to yourself.It’s certainly understandable if you’re frustrated with your tendency to misplace things. But if you keep beating yourself up about it, it could “become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you start...
So what about that person who has had too much to drink or won't stop talking?"If you can't take their wine away, you should definitely try to take away their soapbox," Hagy says. "If you're the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove ...
These are questions you may ask yourself after infidelity: “What did I do for he/she to cheat on me?” “Something must be wrong with me.” “Is he/she not attracted to me anymore?” “Why did I not see the signs earlier?” ...
SometimesinEnglishweusetheverbdroptomeanstopdoingsomething, letitgo. Whenwefeelstuck, it'snaturalforustodothingsthatfeelcomfortableandfamiliar.在英语中,我们有时候用动词 drop 来表示停止做某件事情,让它去吧。当我们被困住时时,我们会很自然地做一些让我们感觉舒适和熟悉的事情。Weeventellourselvesthatthat's...
And if you can’t stop thinking about something, add it to your budget for next month (most likely, there’ll beanothersale). 12. Limit social media comparison. Picture this: It’s Saturday morning, and before you realize it, you’re scrolling through your social media feed to catch up...
like a never-ending loop that you can’t get out of. That’s when questions like, “Why am I obsessed with my ex?” or “Why do I still think about my ex every day?” start weighing on your mind. Here are 11 possible explanations to why you can’t stop thinking about your ex:...
That's how much "downtime" I was losing to something that actually increased my stress. Try keeping a journal for one week. See how much you do it. 总的来说,那一周, 差不多14个小时了。 这就是我实际上损失了多少“停机时间” 增加了我的压力。 试着写日记一周。 看看你做了多少。 That...
But you’re allowed to be a person who doesn’t always want to do stuff constantly. That may be an active choice, or it might be something imposed on you from an external factor. Whatever the reason, it’s important to be kind and compassionate with yourself. Clearly, you care about ...