he added with a forced laugh; "do you think I'm drunk?" The Old Man might have been pardoned the supposition, for Dick's eyes were humid and his face flushed. He loitered and lounged back to the chimney, yawned, shook himself, buttoned up his coat and laughed. "Liquor ain't so ...
\n\n3. **场景三:描述生理反应**\n - 例句:She yawned widely, showing her tiredness after the long journey.\n - 中文翻译:她张大嘴打了个哈欠,显示出长途旅行后的疲惫。\n\n### 词根分析\n\n- **词根**: \"yawn\" 本身是一个独立的单词,没有明显的词根或词缀。它可能来源于古英语 \"ge...