you could create a sentence using the first letter of each morpheme in a long word. In the case of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, a possible mnemonic device could be “Some Unicorns Playfully Practice Carefully Running And Leaping In Fields, Regularly And Gracefully, In Long Strides...
You can breed magical beasts in the Room of Requirement's Vivariums, however, you'll first need to unlock these areas. To do that, you'll need to advance through House Elf Deek's sidequests and complete the once-called "Foal of the Dead." You must have captured a male and a female...
So here I am, blogging (while somewhat impressed at my ability to spell under the influence) and ordering pizza, because some things never go out of style. You stay classy, Victoria. I’ll endeavour to do the same. I frigging love my life. xo Bay * My legs are not the only part o...
Don’t say you weren’t warned. [] Well, not Sydney (or NYC), but this planet and not an alternative version of it. [] Posted in 1930s NYC novel, Bloggery/Internetty Stuff, How To Ditch Your Fairy, Last Day of the Year, Liar, Magic or Madness trilogy, Travelling, Unicorns, ...
our gratitude for the circumstances God sends. We rarely make grand murals or dazzling sculptures, but we glorify God with our small efforts nonetheless when we embrace whatever God gives us and offer it as an art project back to Him. Today, for us, that meant chasing unicorns and sketching...
Without GM fiat, there is no way to gain a unicorn as your divine bond mount (and I think most unicorns would be quite offended by the notion that they are mere beasts of burden, to be mounted and ridden upon by men, for noble purposes or otherwise!). Share Follow edited Aug ...
- CJ Johnson, veteran people manager for Silicon Valley startups and unicorns A compelling, tailored document that effectively highlights your qualifications increases your chances of securing your desired job. STEP 2 Pick the best resume format for your needs ...
Like Thestral, unicorns also look like horses but have horns on their heads. These creatures have great worth in the game owing to their horns and fantastic hair.Unicorndrops Unicorn hair and can be found in the Forbidden Forest. Phoenix ...
After clearing the camp, use the Reveliospell inHogwarts Legacyto discover some hidden clues. The protagonists will eventually stumble uponRowland Oakes’s JournalandRowland Oakes’s Map, hinting at the location of the trade. Solve The Map Puzzle ...
5-4, equality, future, gay marriage, history, love, making history, marriage, Nature's Brew, rainbows, rights, struggle, support, supreme court, unicorns My train of thought is completely derailed as I sit at Nature’s Brew Cafe. A group of men walk in and they are ecstatically greeted...