The message sent is this: You, young, black, female child, are not worth the time and energy it will take me to learn to spell and pronounce your name.”This, by the way, is how you say Quvenzhané:This issue goes beyond names rooted in cultures unfamiliar to the speaker. Whatever ...
Where did the name of the album,Fireworks and Rollerblades, come from? Do you have a typical way of thinking of titles? Each one is different, but that title came from a lyric from one of the songs called "Hello Love." It goes: "I can try to blame you but my mind...
Homophones occur in English because there are multiple ways to spell the same sound. For example:The sound of /n/ can be spelled with the letter N or the letter combination KN, resulting in the homophones night and knight. The sound of /ā/ can be spelled A-consonant-E or AY (among ...
It took [the members] a while to accept that. I had to drag it in, and then they came to me, "You know, you're right. We do feel like that." And I was like, "Let's write these things down that we don't want to do." All of them were things that we usually do, like,...
Oh, and you know how I keep urging all of you to read every syllable of your synopses IN THEIR ENTIRETY, IN HARD COPY, and OUT LOUD, rather than merely relying upon your word processing program’s spell- and grammar-checker, and to double-check that all proper names are spelled correctl...
Oh, and you know how I keep urging all of you to read every syllable of your synopses IN THEIR ENTIRETY, IN HARD COPY, and OUT LOUD, rather than merely relying upon your word processing program’s spell- and grammar-checker, and to double-check that all proper names are spelled correctl...
Why It’s Critical to Defeat the Curse of KnowledgeAs you know, teaching your child to read and spell is one of the most important jobs you will ever do. But if you don’t overcome the curse of knowledge, you may encounter all kinds of obstacles:...
She hurt my feelings. Poor Janelle. Beyond these few moments, and a couple others, I didn’t really think about race. Well, I thought about how people made arguments “about race” when clearly they were not. I mean why do they make race an issue? It’s not an issue. I never see...
re doing something difficult. Mountain climbers get a happy rush of dopamine while ascending a steep face. Crossworders get it from the Sunday Times-the hardest puzzle of the week. Mihaly Csikszentmihaly experienced it while trying to spell his own name. Counterintuitively, the most enjoyable ...
1" and similar to her short Youtube quips, she bares her versatility on songs like "Pencil Pouch," "Spookie Coochie" and "Body Offer." The project oscillates between R&B, Miami bass, Boom bap, and Alternative Hip Hop, each track unveiling a different spell-binding flow. A year later,...