Lead (rhymes with red) is a noun for the soft metal (like what used to be used in pencils, paint, etc.). The Past Tense of Lead The verb lead, which rhymes with bleed, has a past tense (like most verbs) and that past tense rhymes with bed. So how do you spell it? It’s...
Is chutzpah in English word? Chutzpah is a Yiddish word meaning "impudence or gall." Bravery that borders on rudeness is chutzpah, which rhymes with "foot spa." If you have chutzpah, you say what you think without worrying about hurting someone's feelings, looking silly, or getting i...
Well, when you revise for an exam you study information you learned before. OK, Rob, I'd love to hear more about your learning strategies, but first here's today's quizquestion for you. What's the word for a system, such as...
Do you spell Christmas wreath? One circle of greens is a wreath (rhymes with “teeth”). The plural is “wreaths” (rhymes with “heaths”). In both cases the TH is unvoiced (like the TH in “both”). How To Say Wreathing
Well, when you revise for an exam you study information you learned before. OK, Rob, I’d love to hear more about your learning strategies, but first, here’s today’s quiz question for you. What’s the word for a system, such as use of special poems or rhymes to help you remember...
(Rhymes with barrel.) Simple, right? It boggles my mind how many folks pronounce it “fur-RELL.” Sigh. Interesting blog, even for a non-teacher and murderer of the English language. Please pardon the double spaces between sentences (old guy). You should see what I do with semicolons...
早(zǎo) means early morming or “Good morning.”, but旱(hàn) is a dry spell. 快(kuài) means quickly or happy, but if you add an extra stroke to it, you will get怏(yàng), which means discontented. 名(míng), as you know, means fame or a name. As a verb in formal Chine...
Reading rhymes to children increases their phonological awareness. a. True b. False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. According to Chomsky, humans have a biological predisposition to develop language. Different animals can sense things that people can't. Indicate whether the statement...
How do you spell Brian and brain? Itcan also be spelled Bryan or Brien. It means strong, virtuous, and honorable. You can find a list of famous Brians here. Brain (pronounced “brayn;” rhymes with train, rain, slain) has multiple meanings. ...
Do spelling mistakes matter in IELTS? Spelling is important in IELTS. If you spell an answer incorrectly inIELTS Listening or Reading, you won't receive a mark for that answer. The more spelling mistakes you make in IELTS Writing, the less likely you are to get the Writing band score you...