When I found your website and read the book, I saw that you were young people with busy lives living in today's world, and you were doing it. So then I knew that I could do it. And I started, and I began to notice changes immediately. I don't have UC or anything seriously lif...
Plastic has become indispensable for human life. When plastic debris is discarded into waterways, these items can interact with organisms. Of particular concern are microscopic plastic particles (microplastics) which are subject to ingestion by several t
When polyps develop on your colon, they could spell trouble. Colon cancer and rectal cancer usually start out as polyps. That's a frightening fact, as colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States combining men and women. But keep this in mind, too: ...
Obviously you and others disagree with those experts that push the adaptive bleaching hypothesis. That why it is a professional debate. That polyps die is by no means a refutation of that hypothesis and such an argument is a bit disingenuous. A colony consists of 100s to millions of polyp ...