If you’re re-imagining your teacher lounge anyway (or even if you’re not), you might want to think about integrating a space where you (and possibly your colleagues) can stretch out or move. Even the smallest “workout nook” can break up your day and get those neurotransmitters firing...
BollyNook is not just a colorful website when you land on it, but it comes in handy when you are looking for Bollywood movie subtitles. It has an extensive database of Bollywood movie subtitles as well as Bollywood song lyrics. The website is user-friendly, and it has a search button ...
But you didn’t ask what the book says you should do. You, GreenEggsAndSalad, asked me what I do. And what I do is ALMOST what the book says to do. Well, I basically do the hoard thing. I basically use random tables and keep track of how many hoards I hand out and I basical...
wishing youa Happy T Dayalong with everyone over at Elizabeth’s Altered Book Lover where all you need to join in the fun is to share anything related to a drink (guess what! I found a way to post photos again that can be clicked on for a closer look = hoorah!)… as an aside a...
If you know the ASL fingerspelling alphabet, you can spell out any word you need to. This video for kids is taught by a kid, and it takes the time to really explain each and every letter at a speed new learners will appreciate. ...
J always sounds like Jas in jam, Jen, gin, John and June. That is true if the J is at the beginning of a word or if the J is in the middle of a word. A child learning to read or to spell needs to know only a handful of words with a J in the middle of the word: ajar...
hey jason i really like playing video game but im only 14 but i have been reserching video game testing for 7 years now, and i need money bad BTW srry if spell bad Reply Jason W. Bay September 30, 2015 at 8:38 pm Hi Austin, you wouldn’t be able to get a job testing game...
Capture a moment of pure affection with a DIY love hand & foot print sign. This simple yet heartwarming project lets you make something truly unique and personal. Ideal for expressing gratitude, and love, or just to cherish memories, this craft involves using hands and footprints to spell out...
Then finally I found a website that was designed to find words you didn’t know who to spell. I typed in thirteen question marks, and it generated a giant list! (I can’t remember the site name now . . . ) Questions for both Justine and Scott: Q: Are you friends with any other...
There are grammar police everywhere. To be safe, assume the seller is one of them. Review your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, paying close attention to sneaky mistakes spell check doesn't always detect, such as they're/their/there, your/you’re, and it’s/its. If proof...