Right when you know you got everything that’s needed to be the best in making love, we want to you to stop and think over it. How you do it is obviously important but it’s also important to know how often you should be doing it. Well, you have to be sure to make it an enj...
Do you have spell slots? Visualize them as clocks or tracks. Do you play a game with ammunition and non-bottomless magazines? Make a clock out of it! Because a track is nothing but a linear clock. And once your reset condition triggers... empty the clocks. This is in my experience a...
It's important to note that I skipped the step of reinstalling the window's parting bead and sash stops as I intend to take the sash out again to strip and reglaze them. I'll tell you one thing for sure, those parting beads sure do offer a tremendous amount of draft reduction. Our ...
HOW TO GET A META PERSPECTIVE ON YOURSELF AND THE WORLD. The loss of a meta perspective on ourselves and our away of living, contributes to the environmental collapse we now experience coming up. But this need not be the final outcome. Because, we are no
"Why do I keep calling you Nicole?! You look like you could be a Nicole!" BuzzFeed Video Produced ByJada Harris.See thefull credits.