Before any of you groan about how you’re totally over YA dystopia already I have a really awesome idea for one. In fact, I’ve already written a short story set in that world and it will be out late this year or early next. Very excited about turning it into a novel. But even ...
They squeak and groan when I step on them. They are either old or neglected. Probably both. “And how did you feel?” I swallowed hard. “I… I felt afraid.” I usually stand on the front porch, away from the door but this time I found myself facing the door with my hand ...
That is the sound of onomatopoeia, one of the most fun words to spell in the English language, and if you want to know how to write sounds, an absolutely essential literary device. How does onomatopoeia work? And how canyouuse it to write sounds? In this article, I'll give you the ...
We’re not doing “kid” things (kiddin) we’re doing “grown” things (groanin) When someone “kids” (jokes) you laugh. If it’s not funny, one might groan in disappointment instead Moaning (or groaning) is a sound that most people make when having sex Steller triple entendre. Homop...
As you’re testing out your deck, pay attention to any cards you’re happy to draw or have in your opening hand, and any cards you groan when you see. When judging over and underperformers be careful of obvious biases. It feels great when a flashy expensive spell wins you your tenth ...
Oh, and you know how I keep urging all of you to read every syllable of your synopses IN THEIR ENTIRETY, IN HARD COPY, and OUT LOUD, rather than merely relying upon your word processing program’s spell- and grammar-checker, and to double-check that all proper names are spelled correctl...
While you should be getting giggles, all you’re getting is an occasional groan. Perhaps it’s time to give up. Maybe your brand is just not meant to be funny. Here’s the thing: No brand is automatically born funny. Humor is a skill that has to be learned. The truth is, if othe...
1. Bishop: [groan] It's always us... but I know there's no stopping you when you've made up your mind. 2. Bishop: Ha. Ha. Real funny. 3. Bishop: [aggravated grumble] Stubborn woman. You'll be the death of me yet. Bishop: [aggravated mutter] I can't believe I'm even ...
That massive groan you just heard was every aspiring writer in the continental United States writhing with frustration. It’s not easy for them, either. But let’s face it, there just are not a lot of contests out there for young writers that are not academically-oriented. Which is...
Asimple but compelling questionmight be: “If you had a magic wand, how would you improve or change this product or experience?” Ask whether they could complete their task and how easy or difficult it was. Watch for any places where they sigh, groan, or hesitate. ...