a6. I stand as guilty as the next modern parent of believing that benign is best, and if the price to be paid is picking up a few handfuls of 1:32 scale Friesians, then so be it. 6. 我站立一样有罪象相信的下个现代父母良性最佳,并且,如果将被支付的价格拾起几极少数1:32标度)弗里斯兰...
I can easily claim victimhood now just for being a "white male," especially after a hiring committee in 1986 admitted to me that they had only called me to an interview because they thought that "Kelley" was a women's name. But I know why the Friesian School isactuallymarginalized and ...
The southern dialects were closer to Friesian, whereas the northern language was akin to Danish. Thus when the Danes came they arrived in an area whose natives spoke a language akin to their own. To complicate matters, western parts of England spoke Welsh, and Norwegian was spoken in ...