How do you respond to Catcalling? Ignore it.Whenin doubt, just ignore it. This is often the best response, especially if you're concerned about escalating the situation. Harassers enjoy the attention, so ignoring them takes their power away. What is stranger harassment? Stranger harassment, al...
At every stage of life, our relationships go through transitions. Some relationships evolve and deepen with time; other relationships stagnate and wither. And all relationships — even good ones — will hit conflict points eventually. If those conflicts are unresolvable, they can spell the end of ...
First, “fascism.” That word has lost its meaning, if it ever had one. Today, it’s simply the left engaging in name-calling against the right. One component of “fascism” that people generally agree on, however, is that it entails government control over the economy and censoring speec...
500 years. To describe meditation we could use the phrasetouch and go.You are in contact, you’re touching the experience of being there, actually being there-—and then you let go. That applies to awareness of your breath on the cushion and also beyond...
" "how come you react so slow", etc. made her irritable and depressed. Over time, she became indecisive in doing things, fear of being teased. Like a magic spell, those evaluations refrained her judgment, thinking and creativity, and even the academic performance she has always been proud ...
"Hi, Gina; I've just read your email. I will check the error on the site for you and will reply to you soon." What we like:Using ChatGPT as an additional grammar/spell check is a great idea. It's one more simple step to ensure your content is error-free and ready for your au...
Most girls will not be in ‘social mode’, meaning you will need to carry much of the interaction for the first few minutes – in fact, you may need to carry all of it from the opener up until youask her outandtake her number. ...
If you’ve traveled through a U.S. airport within the past few years, you’ve probably had a government screener say something along these lines. Every day travelers are herded through the checkpoint corrals into one of these anti-terrorism full body scanners.The Transportation Security Administr...
There is enough apocalypse in scripture to last until judgement day, surely. But extinction has nothing to do with apocalypse. The two ideas are utterly different, even contradictory. For a start, apocalyptic prophecies are designed to reveal the ultimate moral meaning of things. It's in the ...
It’s one of the biggest game releases of the yearby any measure! It’s afranchise! We’re not here to talk about any of that. We’re here to dissect Kim Kardashian (the game, not the person!) and understand its performance. Given all the hype, you’d be forgiven for assuming the...