A palliative isa drug or medical treatment that relieves suffering without treating the cause of the suffering. 2. countable noun. A palliative is an action that is intended to make the effects of a problem less severe but does not actually solve the problem. [formal] How do you spell parox...
The failure of his disciples to cure the epileptic boy at the foot of the Mount of Transfiguration is explained by the Christ, not in that they had undertaken some- thing that belonged only to him to do, but rather that they were weak in the exercise of fasting and prayer, whereby ...
….the ketogenic diet has shown potential with some cancers (brain tumors for instance) where other more famous therapies have failed, like the Gerson therapy (Check the website, they spell it out that brain tumors don’t usually repond to the treatment). If we really have a heart for ...
If you hadn't bequeathed us such an un-spellable language there would be no need for spell check. You can just make up the words up as you go along, I...
necessarily physically noticeable changes, but one sees oneself from the outside. According to Goldenberg, autoscopic phenomena are associated with temporo-occipital rather than parietal lesions. Usually, they are short-lived and often associated with epileptic seizures originating in the temporal lobes ...