Having difficulty spelling biweekly? Check out Ginger's spelling book and learn how to spell biweekly correctly, its definition and how to use it in a sentence!
bi- from my latin class means two. so…bisect really means two sections not cut in two. Bipedal, like us humans means two feet. Semi means “in two.” Take this route and you have my list above but modified… and I do think this will fix everything. SemiWeekly, twice a week Biw...
Once you have a general idea, it’s time to consider how to come up with a business name. A solid name is distinctive and memorable. Bonus points if the name makes it obvious what products or services you sell and is easy to both say and spell. You can also test potential names ...
I’ve already connected with several academics, many working in fields related to my research interests. Most of the feeds outlined above have weekly or biweekly chat sessions, where academics get together to discuss a topic selected by members through an online voting process. This is a good ...
employees’ work time to accurately pay them. To create a timesheet managers must consider many variables such as their employee’s time cards, pay period, hourly rate, regular hours, overtime hours, mileage log, among others. Timesheets can be submitted weekly, biweekly, monthly or bimonthly...
Paydays: In addition to defining payment terms (e.g., biweekly, monthly, etc.), you should also include a payment schedule for the current year for your employees to refer to as needed. Deductions: Here, you’ll define what deductions are taken out of your employees’ paychecks (e.g....
Why do people get confused so often with this phrase and incorrectly write use to? It is probably because of our ear’s influence over how we write. When you say used to aloud, the d in used and the t in to blend to almost become one consonant sound. Often, we spell words incorrect...
Dinner was our weekly (biweekly) tradition of grilled cheese and tomato soup. It always sounds good. Andrew and I moved up to 1.5 sandwiches and Brooke tried dipping her sandwich in tomato soup for the first time and loved it (don’t mind the carrots and orange ...
But even if you’re not able to benefit from a refinance, there are still countless other (easy) ways to pay off a home loan faster. For example, you could leave your existing mortgage intact and just make larger monthly payments (toward principal), or look intobiweekly mortgage payments....
Eventually I want to have two ongoing groups, meeting weekly or biweekly. One will be a critique group, for writers who are looking for feedback on their works in progress. Fiction or nonfiction. This might involve chapters of a book-length work or stand-alone stories, essays, reviews, wh...