Procrastination is an active process – you choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing. In contrast, laziness suggests apathy, inactivity and an unwillingness to act. Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant, but likely more important task, in...
How do you use peevishly in a sentence? 1.She had grown ever more peevishly dependent on him.2. 'It's your own fault,' she said peevishly. What's the opposite of empathy? By definition, empathy is the opposite ofapathy. Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share ...
Your significant other gets angry at you –you feel fear – you imagine them leaving Your significant other gets angry at you –you feel curious – you seek to understand Your significant other gets angry at you –you feel disgust– you belittle them Your significant other gets angry at you ...
But how do we spell out degrees of reprehensibility? One way of doing this, drawing on Aristotle, is to claim that the less “necessary or natural” the motive (or motivating passion), the more reprehensible it is.Footnote 23 An alternative is to draw on Kant, and to measure the rep...
Apathy. The state of not being interested in anything or anyone could be kind of fun for a few hours. Prolonged stints of apathy after moving to a new place – a place that waits to be explored and enjoyed – usually spell outT-R-O-U-B-L-E. ...
Freewriting can also defuse some of the writer’s own internal obstacles: self-criticism, apathy, fear of failure, maladaptive perfectionism, or even deadline dread. Just like brainstorming, freewriting produces a handful of ideas that you can later rearrange and develop further. However, unlike...
There’s heartily in English, meaning “with gusto and without reservation,” so it may not exactly be where you were aiming. However, we do have a word for lack of inclination to act, regardless of knowledge — apathy. Economic psychological research has shown that we’re actually more apa...
Apathetic boredom.The most recently discovered form of boredom, apathetic boredom, can feel like helplessness and has the potential to contribute to depression. Feelings of unhappiness are present, but you may have little drive to do anything about, leading to a vicious cycle of chronic apathy. ...
” At worst, boredom can be the devils’ playground. Or following a passive path, the teenager can give in to apathy, withdrawal, and despondency to cope with the pain. Usually solitary, there can be self-defeating isolation and loss of hope: “I just don’t care!” ...