You can find wet sweet rice flour (chapssal garu, 찹쌀가루) in the frozen section of Korean markets. You can also soak sweet rice for hours, drain well, and ground in a blender for this recipe. Mejugaru Mejugaru (메주가루) is fermented soybean powder. Meju (메주) ...
How ever do you do you find time to golf so much?¿Cómo siempre encuentras tiempo para jugar tanto al golf? b. cómo How ever did you find this ring? It's just like the one I lost years ago.¿Cómo encontraste esta sortija? Es igual a la que perdí hace años.Copyright...
The goal on the game ultimately is to win money but you will be surprised onhow funit is playing. El objetivo en el juego es en definitiva para ganar dinero, pero usted se sorprenderá decómoesdivertidode jugar. Others have yet to discover a special story that sparks their imagination ...
This phrase is reserved for serious situations and is a bit too dramatic for a casual apology. You can also sayNo sabescuánto siento / lamento…(You don’t know how sorry I am). No te imaginas cuánto sientotodo lo que ocurrió el año pasado.(You can’t imagine how sorry I am ab...
How can you tell if you are or aren’t? Who’s the judge of your work? These are questions that bother me daily and cloud over my work. It’s not easy to get through. You can rationalize: my work is unique, because nobody else can do it exactly like I did. This is true, ...
You might be a super prolific writer. You might be the slowest writer on the planet. What separates you from the other guy or gal? Talent? CPU speed? A better dictionary? I say it's all mental. If you believe you can write a book in a month, you do it. If you've heard that ...
Always throw rock. Always. Except when your opponent knows this and thus he or she will throw paper. Then you throw scissors. F–ck paper. Not needed. Fifty grand. Jim—August 5, 2010 at 12:21 pm One minor disagreement: in step #4, you say that your opponent will come at you with...