There's always truth in fiction, so you will discover elements of K-dramas when you come here. But if life was a K-drama… A lot of K-dramas are really tragic, the plot twists. Although I will say, I've been embroiled in theTaJinYo scandal[Editor's note: Starting in 2010, Tablo...
“It’s just kind of a fun way to make it a lifestyle,” Andre adds. “And I do believe pickles are a lifestyle. Every year, I think that the pickle craze is going to go away, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I’d like to think Grillo’s is partly responsible for...
Mango Slices:Simply slice the mango flesh into thin strips and enjoy them as a quick and healthy snack. Or you can give it a Mexican touch and sprinkle some Tajin seasoning over the mango. The spicy-sweet taste and juicy texture are unbeatable. Mango Salsa:Toss mango cubes with red onions...
Some people like to sprinkleTajin seasoningover their papaya snacks. It does actually taste quite good. Other ways to enjoy papaya are in agua frescas, like mypapaya and orange agua fresca recipe. I occasionally also makelicuadoor papaya shake that I make with soy milk, banana and papaya. ...