How to say sixty in Spanish? Numbers in Spanish To read numbers in Spanish, it is necessary to know the name of the tens and the hundreds. 'Sixty' is one of these tens with which more complex numbers can be formed. Answer and Explanation: ...
How do you say six o'clock in Spanish?Talking about the Time in Spanish:Talking about time is essential in any language you're learning. You'll need to know how to say ''six o'clock'' in Spanish in order to tell the time or to talk about appointments or events with native speakers...
Answer to: How to say old in Spanish By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also ask...
How many hours to you work every week? Fifty? Sixty? In your new career, I will show you how to make more money in less than 20 hours per week.¿Cuántas horas trabajan cada semana? ¿Cincuenta? ¿Setenta? En su nueva carrera, les enseñaré cómo hacer más dinero en menos ...
See the pattern?This means once you have mastered the Spanish number 1-10, and twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, and ninety, you can say any number all the way up to 99!Here is a chart with all of the 2 digit numbers ending with zero. ...
sixty60sixtieth60th seventy70seventieth70th eighty80eightieth80th ninety90ninetieth90th one hundred100hundredth or one hundredth100th one hundred and one or one hundred one101hundred and first or one hundred and first101st one hundred and two etc102one hundred and second102d or 102nd ...
sixty60sixtieth60th seventy70seventieth70th eighty80eightieth80th ninety90ninetieth90th one hundred100hundredth or one hundredth100th one hundred and one or one hundred one101hundred and first or one hundred and first101st one hundred and two etc102one hundred and second102d or 102nd ...
If an artist like Winehouse — who was making records and rocking styles that seemed far outside the norm — could break through, then who’s to say someone else as bold or brassy wouldn’t do just as well? It Encouraged Other Torch Singers In The New Millenium Back To Black might ...
Turkish phone numbers typically have 10 digits. You’ll usually say them in groups:0532 123 45 67 – Sıfır beş yüz otuz iki – yüz yirmi üç – kırk beş – altmış yedi“zero five hundred and thirty two, hundred and twenty three, forty five, sixty seven”...
Numbers in Spanish above the number 12 are a little different from in English. In English, we use the same suffix -- or ending -- for each number: '-teen.' That is, we say,sixteen, seventeen, eighteenand so on. Spanish, however, forms these numbers differently and does not use a ...