How do you say Monday in French? How to say have a good day in French How to say good day in French How do you say tomorrow in German? How do you say see you tomorrow in German? How to say I speak French in French How do you say do you speak French in French?
How do you say monday in German? How to say week in German How do you say Wednesday in German? How do you say Tuesday in German? How to say one day in German How do you say Saturday in French? How do you say tomorrow in German?
IevenlivedabroadinEnglandforayear, butIstillcan'tspeakEnglishfluently.我甚至还在英国住过一年,仍然无法流利地说英语。Doanyofthosesoundlikeyou?你是否也像这样呢?Ifyousaidyes, youaretotallynotalone.如果你的回答是肯定的,那么你不是唯一有这些感受的人。Numberone, IhavefeltallofthosethingsinmyFrenchand...
Here’s Tom saying happy birthday in French so you can hear it (click the little play icon): He says bon anniversaire first and then joyeux anniversaire. Note theliaisonbetween each pair: bon and anniversaire; joyeux and anniversaire. When you say it in real time, the “n” in “bon” ...
We are not French,we are lived in Waging for many family is very school is very close to home,I was going to school on foot from Monday to Friday. This is my family,do you like it? 初中英语作文:How I learn English 5 My after-school life is like a colorful bridge and stars in ...
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最新教育资料精选 精选 2019-2020 年英语七年级下 Unit 3 How do you get to schoolSection A 新目标 版课后练习九十八 第 1 题【单选题】 One of the students ___ from France. He speaks ___. A、are, Japanese B、is, English C、is, French D、come, French 【答案】: 【解析】...
Sample: A: How many classes do you have on Monday? B: I have six classes on Monday. A: When does the first class start? B: It starts at 8:00. How is school going? Talk with your partner. The following questions may help you: • How do you feel about school? • What subjec...
Now do the same in English. Here are my results: Swedish:15 seconds English:16 seconds Chinese:42 seconds While we rarely need to say long, specific numbers, we often have to use large, rounded figures in conversation. For instance, when asked how many people live in your country or how...
La Zanzara:€€ | Bistro—A bit more cool and trendy with a modern spin on Italian classics, this place feels like a French bistro but the food is definitely Italian. It’s great for a cocktail and sit-down lunch. Find the best places to stay ...