P50050. Learn Italian with Video - Birds 02:23 P51051. Say 'I Love You' in 10 Languages - Happy Valentine's Day 00:54 P52052. Learn Italian with Video - Marine Life 02:23 P53053. Learn Italian with Video - Farm Animals 02:23 P54054. Learn Italian with Video - Amphibians and Re...
ask for their recommendations, and trust their opinions. Do your best to address them with the more formalLei(you) in place of the casualtuforms, use more respectful greetings, and sayarrivederci(goodbye)!
Originally hailing from Naples, ditalini literally means “small thimbles” in Italian, and it’s easy to see why when you look at the shape of this types of pasta. It is cut into tubes that are comparable to the size of a kernel of corn, and it is often called “short macaroni” du...
Mature men like you to the back, and then how you say so light, so that you do not lose weight by the Italian heart. 成熟的男人喜欢背着你转,然后说你怎么这么轻,让你不要减肥随心所意。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This is just a roundabout way of me reinforcing one of my favorite points:...
Say, are you from South America?B: Yeah, that s me in front of my uncle s bB: Yes I m originally. I was born in Argentina.When I was a kid, we used to spend two weeks thereA: Did you grow up there?every summer.B: Yes, I did. But my family moved here 8 years agoA: ...
doesreadingmeantoyou?•2.Whatdoyouliketoread?•Whatkindofbookdoyouliketo read?Whatisyourfavoritebook?Hasyourlifeeverbeensignificantlychangedbyanyparticularbook?Part1Warm-up •3.Couldyoutalkaboutoneortwobooksthatyouhavereadbeforeandwouldliketorecommendtous?•4.HowhastheInternetchangedpeople’swayof...
why does the woman say she needs to get back by 2:30? q11: why does the woman say jeremy should throw his soup in the bin? conversation 2 音频原文 w: hi there, how are you today? do you have a reservation ...
1、I-show 中级班文本Intermediate 1-1M:Oh, I m really sorry, are you OK?W:I m fine, but I M not very good at this.M:Neither am I, say are you from south America? Did you grow up there?W:Yes, I did, but my family moved here 8years ago when I was in high school. M:...
Directions: Suppose the university newspaper is inviting submissions from the students for its coming edition onthe recent developments in their hometown. You are now to write an essay for submission. You will have 30 minutes to write the essay. Y...
P50050. Learn Italian with Video - Birds 02:23 P51051. Say 'I Love You' in 10 Languages - Happy Valentine's Day 00:54 P52052. Learn Italian with Video - Marine Life 02:23 P53053. Learn Italian with Video - Farm Animals 02:23 P54054. Learn Italian with Video - Amphibians and Re...