If you would consider working for the company you interviewed with in the future, ask to stay in touch. You never know when you might be open to a new opportunity. C-suite human resources executive Angela Champ says, “Some years back, I declined an offer because of relocation, but a y...
What Do I Need to Open a Chinese Bank Account? There are a few things that you’ll need in order to open a bank account in China: A Passport: This should be obvious. Of course, that passport will need a valid Chinese visa, but if you’re already in China, I assume you have that...
Due to the fact that the market frequently prioritizes the recruitment of local talent, the requirements for foreign workers who wish to find employment in China are stringent. Applicants are required to demonstrate their level of expertise through the presentation of a variety of accomplishments, de...
While no federal or state laws require you to do so, a notice period allows sufficient time to tie up loose ends and say your goodbyes without throwing the company’s operations into disarray. So if you plan to move on from your current position, hand in your resignation letter at least ...
If you’re looking for a business position a job in China or other Asian countries, you can now locate it on our own employment board. Hiredchina.com is a free service that allows you to post a job or a resume. Let us know what you think, and we’ll do our best to improve your...
Unless you traveled back in time and you’re seeking employment in the 19th century, don’t use it. It shows you haven't done your research and is not welcome when addressing a cover letter. 4. Addressing the Cover Letter to the Wrong Person WRONG Dear Human Resources Director, This ...
3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) Presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) Despite the noise, they went on...
Sérgio Pantie:This is an impressive achievement. No other country in the world has been able to do this. Lifting the people out of poverty means improving people's quality of life, increasing income and employment, ensuring water and energy supplies, and access to education and healthcare, an...
Keep applying for employment, particularly in established cities, and one will hire you if you satisfy the standards. Assault Some interviewers ask personal inquiries. Marriage? Children? Your parents what? What’s your bank balance? What are your family plans? The ordinary expat in China is ask...
ExploreHow Much do Expats Make in China?? The term “Returning Overseas Chinese” refers to ethnic Chinese who have lived outside of China for a lengthy period of time. A sea turtle (haigui), a Chinese person who attended university outside of China and is now going home to work in Chi...