Come si dice "like" in italiano? 复制 Casual Italian: Come si dice "like" in italiano? 复制 Explanation: Both translations are formal because the question is phrased politely and respectfully using the formal pronoun "si dice" instead of the more casual "si dice" or "si dice". Additional...
Food is a key element of the discussion on migration and integration: by studying interactions in an agriculture class for asylum seekers, this article investigates how a discussion on food opens spaces for a productive exploration of difference that involves social, environmental and cultural elements...
Come si dice come stai in italiano? 复制 Casual Italian: Come si dice come stai in italiano? 复制 Explanation: Both translations are formal because the question is asking for the correct way to say something in Italian. In Italian, the formal and casual forms of the question "How are you?
P50050. Learn Italian with Video - Birds 02:23 P51051. Say 'I Love You' in 10 Languages - Happy Valentine's Day 00:54 P52052. Learn Italian with Video - Marine Life 02:23 P53053. Learn Italian with Video - Farm Animals 02:23 P54054. Learn Italian with Video - Amphibians and Re...
How do you say how are you in Italian 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? how do you say what the fuck in italian 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? How do you say in italian 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? how do you say what’s up In Italian 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? 瞩目...
That wasB: And fewer cars, theres too much 1992.A: Say, is that our bus coming?A: And what do you do now?B: Yes, it is. But look, its full.B: I m a transportation engineer.A: Oh, no. Lets go and get a cup of coffee. We can talkA: I see, so you re an...
How do you say nice to meet you in italian 这个在 意大利语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 7月18日 Formal Italian: Come si dice piacere di conoscerti in italiano 复制 Casual Italian: Come si dice piacere di conoscerti in italiano 复制 Explanation: Both translations are formal because the...
Opinions vary greatly when it comes to what in the university impresses you the most. But in my opinion, attending university leaves a lasting impression on students’ growth, and there are several aspects of university that impress me the most. ...
If you spot a butterfly while you are in Germany, you call it a schmetterling, which is charmingly lyrical. It sounds like the kind of creature that belongs in a book by Dr. Seuss! The Italian translation is quite beautiful as well: when in Rome, do as the Romans, and call the ...
P50050. Learn Italian with Video - Birds 02:23 P51051. Say 'I Love You' in 10 Languages - Happy Valentine's Day 00:54 P52052. Learn Italian with Video - Marine Life 02:23 P53053. Learn Italian with Video - Farm Animals 02:23 P54054. Learn Italian with Video - Amphibians and Re...