“It's a very simple and straightforward idea. You just enter a visual description of the mushroom into the app and it should tell you if it's safe to eat or not”txbq evilarte zccg. Sou tinouecsn negnxiplai yrsr lhaugtho oushmrosm ozt xtdv evdrsei, robp sff esrah z conmmo ...
What do you think you would have benefitted from but did not get in your education, training or career development? Many interviewees cited Interna- tional experience, formal manage- ment education, and "an exposure to other ways of doing things and a broader perspective". In the UK sam- ...
Well, they don’t exercise, and what I mean when I say exercise, what I mean is they don’t go to the gym,” explains Thomas Rando. He goes on to point out that while they don’t go to the gym, they still remain active. “They don’t do something to exercise, they just are...
If they brought Cas back, they would have to address the “I love you”; if they addressed the “I love you,” Dean would either say it back and be canonically queer, or turn Cas down gently. It wouldn’t have been difficult to keep Dean straight—even sexually ambiguous—...
“We’ve reimagined ice sculptures from ’60s cookbooks as well as pulled inspiration from big ice blocks we’ve seen in Mexico, like the Francis Alys piece ‘Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing.’” Photo: Shelby Moore / Courtesy of AnanasAnanas Sophie Dalah, of the Los Angeles-...
Alys, drewrussellmusic, anewdayhascome, Leanne, swimmer, DionFanAlways, Dreamy Luna, yellowrose14, Jessyka, lyalya, tal-sh2, marcelolongati, MeganMarie, CelineGAfan, jameslyden, stampstl, mattezca, Marijn_7, woodstock, natalie_, Celinedionp, DestinMg5, quaizee, karebear82, Angel2006, ...
You can do this with a wall sconce or torchiere floor lamp. When you wash the walls/ceiling with light, you infuse every corner of the room with a warm glow, making it feel cosy yet spacious. If you plan to install pot lights into your ceiling, always add a few at the very edges ...
I hope you had a great weekend. As usual, the weekend flew by. I had every intention on spending the weekend painting but instead, I ended up most of my Saturday cleaning my closet. :/ not fun. But what a great feeling it is to declutter don’t you think?
1bListenandcirclethethreethingsCaroldidon herschooltripin1a.1.wentforawalk___2.milkedacow___3.rodeahorse___4.fedchickens___5.talkedwithafarmer___6.tooksomephotos___1cPairWork A:DidCaroltakeanyphotos?B:Yes,shedid.Groupwork:Makeasurvey!Whatdidyoudoonyourlastschooltrip?Didyou…?
How Do You Measure A Window For Roman Shades? There are two ways that you can install a Roman shade. The first is so that it fits completely inside the window frame, which doesn’t take up any additional wall space at all. The second is outside the window frame, so that the frame ...