You should use the slash with care in formal writing. 1. Whats the correct way to say caramel? You see, the word caramel is derived from the 18th-century Spanish turned French word caramelo, which is pronounced as car-a-mello. So, North American English speakers adopted the "car" ...
We were guided by another Brit, who had recently made Aliyah a few years ago (moved to Israel). She relentlessly laid upon us the sufferings of the European Jews during the Holocaust. She emphasised how Hitler had been voted to power, and implored us to realise that the Nazis were human ...
Ghaliyah Cunningham Jul 2, 2017 "My boyfriend physically abused me, trying hit me. I ran away and called the police, who put him jail." Share yours! Quizzes Do I Have a Dirty Mind QuizTake Quiz Am I a Good Kisser QuizTake Quiz Rizz Game: Test Your RizzTake Quiz What's Your...
Stomach cramps, frequent trips to the bathroom, and loose, watery stools - diarrhea can cause anyone's day to come to a screeching halt. Fortunately, you can try to treat diarrhea at home with simple diet changes, and over-the-counter and...