Numbertwo: You'remispronouncingimportantsounds.第二:你发错了重要的音。NowEnglishisaveryefficientlanguage.英语是一种非常高效的语言。Sometimesthereisalotoftensionbutonlyinonepartofthemouth.它的很多发音都需要用到嘴部的肌肉。Whenwepronounceallthosetense, soundslikethe 'r' andthe 'l' andthe 'th' sound,...
外教发音|How To Pronounce Shark【鲨鱼】怎么读?|学单词背单词 29播放 · 0弹幕2021-03-14 22:29:31点赞 投币收藏分享 稿件投诉 记笔记 未经作者授权,禁止转载 免费学,零基础,保姆式示范。跟着外教老师发音、记单词,助您学好英语发音。有男声女声,快速慢速各两种,共四种的示范。欢迎关注、转发谢谢(⑉°з...
1.learn new words:pronounce, increase, speed… 2.listen to 1c and 1d, then complete them. 3.listen to the difficulties and find the solutions to them. 4.develop the abilities to solve problems. 教学重点: 1. Key ... is a crowdsourced audio pronunciation website that helps you learn how to say words, names and phrases contributed by native speakers.
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Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent?Pronounce the in Spanish Share the pronunciation of the in Spanish: Facebook Twitter Email Accents & languages onmaps +- Leaflet| Map data ©OpenStreetMapcontributors,CC-BY-SA
课后习题一、词汇填空1.We should often have conversations with our p_to practice speaking English.2.Reading aloud helps me improve my p_.I can pronounce words more correctly.3.The best way to iyour reading speed is to read more.4.Can you tell me the s_of light?I want to know how ...
and it doesn't help you pronounce, but you don't make many grammar mistakes! You should find the (2)that is best for you. Don't (3)to use all the help you can get from tapes, newspapers, radios and the Internet.Q3: Some people are very shy when they speak a (4)language. ...
Share the pronunciation of safari in Swahili: Facebook Twitter Email Accents & languages onmaps +- Leaflet| Map data ©OpenStreetMapcontributors,CC-BY-SA Do you know how to pronounce safari? safariis pending pronunciation in: Record pronunciation for safarisafari[gl]...
每天学单词|How To Pronounce Crayon【蜡笔】怎么读?|番茄酱英语 3277 0 02:48:30 App 全43节【英语启蒙自然拼读】目前最适合幼儿和小学生,英语初学者不可错过的干货 5117 2 00:35 App 30秒速记字母不发音规律 1329 0 03:00:06 App 全43集【自然拼读英语启蒙】目前最适合幼儿和小学生,英语初学者不可...