You can pronounce the sch as you do in school or as you do in schnauzer. The original word does it as in the former. Prix Fixe \PREE-FEEKS, PREE-FIKS\ play : a complete meal offered at a fixed price; also : the price charged Blame the French for this one. In that language,...
The cold, creamy leek and potato soup known as vichyssoise is French in origin. Even the most skilled chefs and foodies, however, may not pronounce vichyssoise correctly when they say "vi-shee-SWAH." To remain true to the French roots of the word, the last syllable should be said "SWA...
If you’ve never heard or seen this word before, it may be confusing to pronounce because itisn’t spokenthe same way it is spelled. 98. Yolk Correct: yohk Incorrect: yol-k “The chef separated the egg white from the yolk, using each component to create a perfect soufflé.” The “...
If you're ordering some at a Greek restaurant, pronounce it the (correct) way, with the accent or emphasis on the "KAH," not the popular "moo-SAH-kah." 9. Pho fuh It's tempting to pronounce this popular Vietnamese dish of noodles served in broth as "FOE." But it's...
Tasty Bowl of Pho You're supposed to call this "fuh" even though it looks like 'fo" and that makes you uncomfortable so you haven't tried it. It's pretty good, though. It sure beats canned soup... or the can of whoop-ass Texas Tech unleashed on the Texas Longhorns when they beat...