How do you pronounce Thomas Kempis? thomas a kempis Pronunciation.thomas a kem·p·is.
shaheed is martyr. but nowadays 'sahid' is written instead of shaheed. similarly, khushee is happy, but khusee is written here. but as i(& many still) do follow old tradition, i have suggested as that. even the common nepali teacher gets confused about about the grammar rule. worst asp...
a silly old man character in Italian comedy who wore tight trousers over his skinny legs. The character was originally San Panteleone, a Christian martyr and a popular saint in Venice.
forcing freedom-loving women to pronounce themselves "sex-positive" as if patriarchy doesn't already mandate that from all women Left of Puritan. Also,
As a child I never can recall being taught the value of loving oneself, settinghealthy boundaries, knowing how to say “no” and “yes” when you mean it, and learning to take care of yourself. Instead, I was taught how to be a good martyr; sacrificing my mental and emotional health ...