Schwa can be produced by completely relaxing your jaw and mouth and making a short, almost grunting “uh” sound, like the sound of a stereotypical incredulous or confused teenager. It is most similar to the ir/er/ur sound in “fur”, but is shorter and is not stressed. In fact, schw...
“I’m just declaring it, when you’re the nominee—” “How many Malorts did you drink, dude?” an incredulous Moore jumped in. Then it was off to the next event before Prtizker could even finish his hot dog. Lead Art: Govs. JB Pritzker (left) and Wes Moore compare...
When I think about it now, almost five years later, it still makes me incredulous: I stayed with the ex who rammed my head against the wall and held a knife to my throat for over a 100 days after that violentnight. Each day, my grasp on reality became a little more tenuous, my se...
You thought I was talking at random when I made you promise that at the next conference you attended, you would pitch to at least three agents or editors with whom you do NOT have a pre-arranged appointment, didn’t you? Well, gotcha: I already knew that you the skills to do it. ...